Research Methods, Statistics & Evaluation – Spring 2019

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PEER REVIEW Transparency is key when building recognition of your research discoveries "Publishing and the dissemination of research are changing; transparency is key. Within the social sciences, moving to facilitate broad dissemination of ideas earlier in the research process will help to support wider engagement with these infl uential areas of research," notes Bob Howard, senior vice president of Global Journals at SAGE Publishing. Since SAGE's foundation, our mission as a publisher has been to support an engaged society, playing a creative role in both the dissemination, access, and creation of research on a global scale...Advance will provide a central place to share and build recognition for research discoveries, positively shaping future cutting edge research." Fine-tune your research with easy-to-use features and metrics tools Use Advance's intuitive online interface to submit your research and gain quick access to your preprint—free of charge, all you need to do is set up your account. Once submitted, a preprint will undergo a minimal moderation process, which usually takes between 48 – 72 hours. Once approved, the preprint will be available immediately online. You can also receive feedback on your work with monitored commenting features, including sharing and embedding tools for soliciting feedback, which allow you to further shape and fi ne-tune your research. Additionally, you can track citations, Altmetrics, views, and downloads of your preprints, so you always have an idea of the interest generated by your work. While submitting to Advance, you'll have the option of simultaneously submitting your work to one of SAGE's infl uential, peer reviewed, humanities and social science journals. To help increase discoverability, all accepted preprints will be assigned a DOI, ensuring each preprint can be linked to its fi nal published version in the future. Submit your paper to Advance today! Learn more at Benefi ts to submitting your preprint include: • Ensuring credit for your work: Accepted preprints on Advance receive a digital object identifi er, allowing you to ensure credit for your research by making it available within your scholarly community in a clearly identifi able way—especially important for time-sensitive projects. • Obtaining feedback on your research: Advance includes a monitored commenting feature allowing you to seek and receive constructive feedback from your peers. You can share your preprint via social media and email. • Sharing your research quickly: Once moderated and accepted to Advance, your preprint will typically be available online within 48-72 hours allowing you to start communicating about your work and ideas quickly and boosting its online discoverability—particularly important for time sensitive projects. 5

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