Psychology and Our Curious
World has purposeful features
in every chapter that lean into
students' natural curiosity to
build excitement and facilitate
learning. These features come
alive in Sage Vantage.
Did you know the APA Guidelines
for the Major 3.0 identify "curiosity"
as a key attribute linked to
demonstrating core outcomes?
Your students
are curious.
Here's a text that shows them how psychology
answers the questions they are asking.
Psychology and
Our Curious World
Wind Goodfriend
Buena Vista University
Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.
Monmouth University
Charity Brown Griffin
Winston-Salem State University
Thomas Heinzen
William Paterson University
See why
you'll love
How can I take
an effective
Psychology and Our Curious
has purposeful features
in every chapter that lean into
students' natural curiosity to
build excitement and facilitate
learning. These features come
alive in Sage Vantage.
See why
you'll love