Goodfriend Brochure

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what if you could... ...encourage students to feel invested in their learning? ...get your students to actually read the text? Support student curiosity in Sage Vantage with: • What's My Score? self-assessments that foster self-discovery through constructs relevant to the chapter like social desirability and stress. • Diverse examples, research contributions, and topics like intersectionality and neurodiversity that are absent from other texts. • Reading Activities that ask students to apply theory to popular culture like cult documentaries. • Career Corner interviews showcasing diverse career paths for psychology students. • Spotlight on Research Methods sections that break down a significant study to reinforce that what we know is tied to how we know it. Vantage Learning Platform: ISBN: 978-1-0719-4141-6 Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-5443-8049-0 eBook: ISBN: 978-1-5443-8050-6

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