Goodfriend Brochure

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5 strategies for better sleep * TRY A NEW SLEEPING POSITION Right-side sleepers reported worse sleep quality than left-side sleepers, while stomach sleepers reported more feelings of anger than other sleep positions. AVOID ELECTRONICS BEFORE BED Their light and content disrupt sleep quality, leading to insomnia and daytime fatigue. THINK ABOUT BED-SHARING Researchers found that people reported better sleep when sharing their bed with a human partner—but that other kinds of bed partners might actually disrupt sleep. MAKE LIFESTYLE CHANGES Research shows that yoga, physical exercise, and listening to classical music before bed can promote better sleep. CONSIDER SLEEP INTERVENTIONS Melatonin, white noise machines, and weighted blankets have been shown to improve sleep quality, though their effectiveness varies among individuals. Psychology and Our Curious World Wind Goodfriend | Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. Charity Brown Griffin | Thomas Heinzen *Source

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