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CQ Press Y r Partner in American Government We're here f y ! N241271404 New offerings for your American Government course An intuitive learning platform that students and instructors love. Let us reintroduce ourselves S i n c e 1 9 4 5 , C Q P re s s h a s b e e n s y n o n y m o u s w i t h making Congress and American government accessible. Rooted in trust and rigor, it continues to meet the needs of political science education at every level, from introductory courses through graduate studies. Today, we're taking that commitment further with Sage Vantage, a learning platform that extends CQ Press's trusted content into an engaging, intuitive digital experience. Vantage enhances student retention with tools like knowledge-check questions, videos, and real-world data activities that bring political science to life. 9 out of 10 students reported a boost in their grades after using Vantage. Choose to use any of these textbooks in Sage Vantage. CQ PRESS? VANTAGE CQ PRESS? THINK YOU KNOW VANTAGE SAGE 94% of students say it's helped them better understand the material. TODAY! REQUEST YOUR SAMPLE N E W O F F E R I N G S F O R YO U R C O U R S E the material. 9 out of 10 instructors would recommend Vantage to a colleague. Choose to use any of these textbooks in

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