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This book provides a nice historical context and covers topics in a thoughtful and thorough manner. I find the writing style to be perfect. —Tracy Cook, Central Texas College I've been using this text for more than a decade because it checks all the boxes…This is the best book on the market. —Danny Hayes, George Washington University …Each chapter contains just the right balance of historical and contemporary narrative to show students that they are part of a story that has been unfolding for more than two hundred years. —Jonathan Peterson, North Park University AmGov: Long Story Short F O U R T H E D I T I O N Christine Barbour All the fundamentals, no fluff. Unlike competitors, this bestseller responds to the need for quick studying and skimming with ten succinct chapters that make it easy to read, revisit, and return to content quickly. Whether for the on-the-go student who doesn't have time to read and digest a lengthy chapter, or for the instructor who wants a book that will stay out of their way, AmGov is the perfect package. The Enduring Democracy E I G H T H E D I T I O N Kenneth J. Dautrich | David A. Yalof | Christina E. Bejarano Can history provide us with a roadmap to the future? This text provides the essentials of American government with a focus on placing current issues and debates into a historical perspective. By looking back, students see how past challenges and controversies were successfully addressed, tapping into these "lessons learned" to understand and find solutions for today's evolving political landscape. The Logic of American Politics T W E L F T H E D I T I O N Samuel H. Kernell | Gary C. Jacobson | Thad Kousser | Lynn Vavreck Timothy R. Johnson Why does the American political system work the way it does? This bestseller provides students the tools they need to make sense of the government they have. Weaving together historical context, contemporary politics, and a "toolkit" of institutional design concepts, the authors build students' understanding of political institutions and practices as imperfect solutions to collective action problems. American Government: Stories of a Nation F I F T H E D I T I O N Scott F. Abernathy American government is not just one story—it's many stories. Our stories. And they are still being told. This text tunes into the diverse perspectives and political persuasions involved in American politics. The balanced approach encourages students to actively engage with the material while facilitating a thoughtful exploration of important themes in politics, governance, and current events. The Fifth Edition offers fresh ways for students to engage with and understand politics. Keeping the Republic Power and Citizenship in American Politics T W E L F T H E D I T I O N & B R I E F E L E V E N T H E D I T I O N Christine Barbour | Gerald C. Wright Empower students to become savvy consumers of political information. This bestseller shows students how to think critically about "who gets what, and how" while exploring the twin themes of power and citizenship. Renowned for its relatable, research-backed approach, the authors show students how to effectively apply their critical thinking skills to the political information they encounter every day. Best value for your students: Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-5630-4 eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2962-9 Paperback ISBN 978-1-0719-2959-9 Best value for your students: Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-5613-7 eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2991-9 Paperback ISBN 978-1-0719-2971-1 Best value for your students: Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-6995-3 eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2956-8 Paperback ISBN 978-1-0719-2953-7 Best value for your students: Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-5605-2 eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2998-8 Spiral ISBN 978-1-0719-3004-5 Best value for your students: 12e Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-5602-1 11e BRIEF Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-5592-5 12e eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2993-3 12e Paperback ISBN 978-1-0719-2990-2 11e BRIEF eBook ISBN 978-1-0719-2987-2 11e BRIEF Paperback ISBN 978-1-0719-2985-8 —Danny Hayes, George Washington University story that has been unfolding for more than two hundred years. story that has been unfolding for more than two hundred years. —Jonathan Peterson, North Park University American politics, past and present. Highlights real people and their stories. Sparks a desire to engage in politics. Politics is about solving collective action problems. A simplified foundation for a successful course. Helps students to think critically about who gets what and how. TODAY! REQUEST YOUR SAMPLE Included with every American Government text: 2024 election coverage | New video animations | Available in Sage Vantage

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