Carioti Brochure

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We're here for you! We're here for you! LOOK INS LOOK INSIDE DE for a poster to share with your students: Seven Steps to Financial Freedom Focused on the essentials, this text helps your students understand their relationship with money. NEW! Introduction to Introduction to PERSONAL FINANCE Kristen Carioti A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Freedom New! New! Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction to Personal Finance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Freedom By Kristen Roche Carioti BEST VALUE FOR YOUR STUDENTS: Vantage Learning Platform ISBN 978-1-0719-1463-2 eBook ISBN 978-1-0718-8505-5 Paperback ISBN 978-1-0718-8503-1 PART I: YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY Chapter 1: Your Money, Your Story Chapter 2: Defining Financial Freedom Appendix: Time Value of Money PART II: THE BASICS Chapter 3: Banks and Money Chapter 4: Introduction to Credit and Credit Cards Chapter 5: Credit History and Identity Theft PART III: INCOME AND EXPENSES Chapter 6: Income and Career Planning Chapter 7: Expenses and Budgeting PART IV: LOANS AND DEBT Chapter 8: Consumer Loans Chapter 9: Debt PART V: FROM COLLEGE TO CAREER Chapter 10: Investing Fundamentals Chapter 11: Investing Applications Chapter 12: Taxes Chapter 13: Insurance Chapter 14: Housing PART VI: PATHWAYS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM Chapter 15: Your Money, Your Future Two unique Two unique chapters chapters focus on self- focus on self- reflection and reflection and the psychology the psychology of money of money guiding students to explore their personal history with money and their financial goals. To request your complimentary sample, visit To request your complimentary sample, visit LOOK INS LOOK INSIDE DE for a poster to share with your students: Seven Steps to Financial Freedom N241163157

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