Carioti Brochure

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An intuitive learning platform that you and your students will actually love. 9 out of 10 students reported a boost in their grades after using Vantage. 94% of students say it's helped them better understand the material. 9 out of 10 instructors would recommend Vantage to a colleague. Choose to use this text in Sage Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. In Vantage, your students get access to: Introduction to Personal Finance helps students understand their relationship with money while they learn the fundamentals of personal finance. Regardless of their financial background or career aspirations, students will walk away with a clear roadmap for setting and achieving their financial goals. KEY FEATURES • The Seven Steps to Financial Freedom framework provides a clear, ordered checklist of financial goals. • Financial Wellness Q & A boxes address emotional challenges related to personal finance. • Integrated throughout the chapters, Mindful Money provides actionable strategies for achieving financial goals and avoiding pitfalls. • Check Your Social features discuss the impact of social media on personal finance. • Each chapter ends with a summary, reflective and actionable homework questions, and two case studies, encouraging readers to apply and consider their own financial situations. • Available in the highly ranked Sage Vantage learning platform. a BUDGET TEMPLATE SPREADSHEET to help them tackle their personal money management challenges QUICK ACCESS TO TABLES AND FIGURES from the textbook to help them work more efficiently REAL-WORLD DATA ACTIVITIES to sharpen students' problem-solving skills It is actually the best personal finance textbook I've seen. —Tricia Hersel Trine University SELF-ASSESSMENTS to help them understand and improve their financial habits FRESH VIDEO content that simplifies complex financial concepts for all learning styles

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