Comparison of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research

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Learn more about these authors and texts at COMPARISON OF QUALITATIVE, QUANTITATIVE, AND MIXED METHODS RESEARCH QUALITATIVE METHODS Emerging methods Open-ended Interview, observation, document, and audiovisual Text and image analysis Themes, patterns interpretation Phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case studies, narrative MIXED METHODS Both predetermined and emerging methods Both open- and closed-ended Multiple forms of data drawing on all possibilities Statistical and text analysis Across databases interpretation Sequential, convergent, and embedded QUANTITATIVE METHODS Predetermined Instrument based Performance, attitude, observational, and census Statistical analysis Statistical interpretation Surveys, experiments CHARACTERISTICS DEGREE OF PREDETERMINED NATURE QUESTIONS DATA TYPES ANALYSIS MAY EMPLOY THESE STRATEGIES OF INQUIRY INTERPRETATION Source: Research Design, 5e by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell

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